It's all happening, people. Newt Gingrich, a politician from the 1990s, is officially running for president! No wait, he's just forming an official presidential exploratory committee! No wait, he's just officially "exploring" a presidential bid! Yes, that last one. That's what Newt Gingrich announced he is doing today.

There's no more exciting a way to launch a presidential bid than by confusing everyone for several days with a semantic debate about what the hell you're actually doing. On Monday we heard that Gingrich would make up his mind on a run sometime this week. Then various media outlets reported that he was going to form an official presidential exploratory committee. After several hours of silence, Gingrich's flacks denied this and said he might announce his intention to merely "explore" a run — less paperwork than actually forming a committee, we guess? And yesterday, Fox News suspended him as a contributor until he made up his mind. This may have been what prompted Gingrich to go ahead and run with the "exploring" option, which he did this afternoon in Atlanta. I am deeply sorry for making you read this paragraph.

In any event, Gingrich has launched a website and everything. You can find all the info about his semi-official-unofficial presidential exploration quest at Most importantly, you can make donations there! Since he'll change his mind again in a few days and drop out entirely, you'll want to make those donations now.

In sum: Newt Gingrich put up a website today and nothing else changed.

[Image via AP]