Fox News' Bret Baier told viewers late this morning that the network has suspended its "contributor arrangements" with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for 60 days while they decide on their possible presidential bids. It's just "Fox policy," and the "suspensions will be lifted on May 1 if they notify the network by then that they are not planning to run."

So let's attempt to translate: They're getting rid of Rick Santorum because he's boring to watch. That much is obvious. But what about Speaker Newt? Good luck trying to get him pinned down on on a presidential decision. He'll likely say he's not running just to get his contributor's fees back, immediately after which he'll re-join the race to collect more donations that can be converted into a PAC salary, until Fox makes him re-quit. Or doesn't. Who knows? This is the magic of Newt Gingrich, dinosaur slave.

More importantly, why in hell aren't Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, John Bolton, and whatever other nerds Fox has "contributor arrangements" with? In Huckabee's case, actually, he has a full show on Fox News. It's called Huckabee — no joke! And he's only the early frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, after all. Maybe Fox News is trying to tell us that these three aren't running. That would make for good reported news, wouldn't it?

[Images via AP]