On Greek, apparently you can go home again. Last night's episode featured several returns: Evan makes the big journey back into his parent's good graces and everyone's favorite and most feared Poodle returns to ZBZ.

[There was a video here]

Yep, Franny is back. And she's touting a totally LA ombre hairdo to go with her fancy job as an agent with CAA. Ok, sure. Having been informed that ZBZ is one of the three finalists for the prestigious Golden Lily award, Becks calls in some additional back up, in the form of Franny Dearest. Becks plans a huge benefit concert (for FART) to woo the judges, and Franny promises she can "get" Bieber to perform.

Meanwhile, Kappa Tau breaks through the floor of Cappy's room after a weird bed-jumping orgy. I'm not really sure what all this mirthful jumping was about, except to provide a sloppy segue for a Pledge Spidey plot. Apparently, kid's got Daddy issues. When his Dad, a former Kappa Tau pledge, swoops in to save the house before it is condemned, Spidey acts like a real wiener about it. He's upset that his dad always saves the day, or whatever.

And speaking of Daddy issues, Evan is still living in the projects all by his lonesome. After learning that Chambers International may be investing in his self-healing wire (who cares?), Rusty heads over to Evan's side of the world. He wants to know what will become of the world's next greatest invention, and he convinces Evan to pack his hobo's bandana-no-stick bag, and together they make the trip home to Chateau Chambers. Awkward road trip, amirite? There is some tension and some unfriendly things said, but all in all the Chambers make amends (like the wire!) and it is very nice.

Well of course Francis was lying about her big time CAA agent job; apparently she is just an assistant. Which, isn't that still a big deal? I was hoping she was an intern but that's fine. Bieber was of course never going to come (he's going on The View, obvs), and the enormous benefit concert- and the Golden Lily award- is in danger. Or is it? Insecure though he may be, Pledge Spidey does bare a striking resemblance to the Bieb and he saves the day! Everyone is fooled and the benefit FART concert is a success. And more importantly, everyone survives unscathed despite Franny's menacing presence.

Well, almost everyone. Casey worries that she is the only one of the recent graduates that hasn't changed. Oh, Casey. It is time to let go. You most certainly cannot give speeches about the big, bad world out there while you still remain outside of it. Poor poodle. It's kind of hard to go home again when you've never left in the first place.