Who is the Chet Haze of Uganda? Possibly Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who is considering releasing "quite a big album of the classics." A big rap album, he means! This may seem ambitious for a man who once said, "today these young people taught me about this 'rap'. I was not following what they were saying," but his single "You want another rap?" (listen above) has, according to Reuters, become a "smash hit," after a somewhat unorthodox recording process:

The leader, nicknamed "M7", performed two children's folk chants from his birthplace in Western Uganda at several election rallies over the last few months — "Naatema akati" (I cut a stick) and "Mp'enkoni" (Give me the stick).

Record producers then mixed the performances with hip-hop beats and audio of Museveni talking to the crowd about a genre of music that he said was new to him.

Party officials were reportedly displeased with some of the press that followed, which included "doctored photographs of a topless Museveni with a muscled and heavily tattooed torso." Party officials! Don't hate the player! Hate the game!
