James Franco, the man who boasts more slashes than a Freddie Kruger victim, is now a singer. He and his performance art partner Kalup Linzy have a musical duo, Kalup and Franco. They've yet to put out an EP, but one of their tracks, "I Love You" recently closed out a New York Fashion Week show.

Here's a taste of their sound, from a profile of Linzy in New York:

Linzy, 33, is sitting on a worn leather futon in his sparse Crown Heights apartment, huddled over his MacBook Pro, previewing music from the album he and Franco are recording-their first effort as the artistic duo Kalup and Franco. He plays an upbeat tune with a heavy bass line. "James is really into the old Motown sound. This is supposed to be like ‘Papa Was a Rolling Stone.' " We go through several more songs: would-be ballads, ambient New Age-y crescendos, and layered electro-pop beats. The lyrics are still taking shape. "James wants me to teach him to sing," he says. "I told him, ‘You do so much voice work to get into movie characters-singing is the same thing!' "

You can hear Kalup and Franco's track here. It's actually surprisingly listenable! The problem though, is at this point James Franco just really has too many jobs. Almost like he's amassing jobs just to spite America's record number of unemployed. We're demanding that Congress immediately pass the James Franco Employment limitation act before he sparks a popular uprising.

[Image of Kalup and Franco performing at Sundance via Chefdance]