This morning we looked at a couple of humorous suggestions for where single people can spend Valentine's Day, sparking many a gripe about being a lonely singleton on V-Day and how miserable it is. Luckily one commenter swooped in and reminded us that it's going to be bad for everyone.

From Antennapedia:

Okay, I get that we're all "Singles Aware" and everything, but... aside from maybe getting flowers or having dinner, what coupled person actually designs an entire day and evening as a big sexy time PDA fest? Is that a thing people do?

Also... it's a Monday. Singles, are you really lamenting the tragedy that you might sit home, alone, on a Monday? I'm married and my Monday valentines will consist of such romantic encounters as "going home" and then "falling asleep" and then wrapping it up by "getting up and going to work the next morning because it's Tuesday." If we're really wild, maybe we'll "pick up burritos" and no, that is not a euphemism.

Huh. Well. Good?