Gangs of New York?
Good name - mumblebore. Did you read or hear that somewhere or come up with it on your own? I might use that. I need to actually see The Puffy Chair before I can write off the whole movement. I loved Cyrus a lot but can't really call that mumblecore anyway since it has 4 big name Hollywood actors. Anyway, i like the name.
Thanks, Joel! I hate to disappoint you, but my handle has nothing to do with mumblecore. It would definitely be cleverer if it were though. To be honest, it's a barely noticeably riff on Dumbledore. I did, however, come up with it on my own.
Oliver! (?)
Oops, there wouldn't be cars, huh.
Julie and Julia, inception, erm it looks so familiar!
Planet Earth - Seasonal Forests?