Today at Gawker.TV, Michelle Obama talks about keeping her love life alive in the White House, Piers Morgan disagrees with the Winkelvoss twins, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell talk shit about each other in consecutive interviews on Access Hollywood Live.

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Winklevii Twins Think The Social Network Made Them Look Good, Piers Morgan Awkwardly Disagrees
On CNN last night, the infamous Harvard rowers that sued Mark Zuckerberg for stealing Facebook were taken down a notch by Piers Morgan. You should sympathize. How would you feel if you were forced to "watch your own death"?

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Paula Abdul and Simon Talk Shit About Each Other, American Idol in Separate, Consecutive Interviews
In a stroke of absent-minded brilliance, Access Hollywood Live booked both Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell for separate interviews that ran consecutively on the show. Simon complains about the new Idol, Paula, and makes a Ryan Seacrest gay-joke.

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Watch Russell Brand's Promos For This Week's Saturday Night Live
These three promos for Russell Brand's episode of SNL include Jason Sudeilkis and a large amount of scarves. Tis the season for a good scarf though, right?

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Ted Williams Eloquently Discusses His Rise to Fame and the Road to Recovery
It looks like Ted Williams' fifteen minutes are not quite up. He appeared on The Early Show this morning to discuss his meteoric rise from the streets to stardom, and how fans have been rooting for him throughout his journey.

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Conan O'Brien and Craig Ferguson Catch Up in a Long-Overdue Interview
Craig Ferguson was pleased to do an interview with Conan as he wasn't allowed to go on Conan's old show on that "other network." The two hosts bring each other up to speed in a very enjoyable interview.

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Michelle Obama Talks About Keeping the Romance Alive in the White House
The First Lady stopped by Regis and Kelly in honor of their ten-year anniversary episode . Elegant, poised, and flawlessly dressed as always, Michelle Obama talks about Barack as a romantic and what she'd like for Valentine's Day.

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Channing Tatum Got His Start as a Stripper
"When you're 18 or 19 in Florida and broke, you're pretty much ready to do anything." This really speaks for itself, but to save you the suspense, for Channing anything included stripping.

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Timothy Olymphant and Jimmy Fallon Have an Old-Fashioned Duel
The new season of Justified premieres tonight and to celebrate, Timothy Olymphant and Jimmy had a shoot-off—complete with cowboy hats and all. Clearly, Jimmy should probably leave Tim to the whole Western thing.

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Tosh.0 Challenges the "Evolution of Dance" Guy to a Dance-Off
If you've ever wondered what happened to the man behind the popular "Evolution of Dance" video, you're not alone. As it turns out, he's doing just fine in his regular day-job as a motivational speaker. Then Daniel Tosh showed up.