After being abandoned by Jim, Michael ventures an existential "walkabout" in Scranton. It's a contemplative time for powerful soul-searching, and for revealing his inner monologue to adorable animals.

[There was a video here]

[There was a video here]

And, for the very spoilery part of tonight's episode, watch the second clip, in which Dwight attempts to use Holly and Michael's mind meld to find his errant boss. Then she finds him, and some stuff happens.

It's so touching to see Michael, who I have made no bones about rooting for all along, find his love once more. They'll have to maybe sneak around now that they're working together, so yay, more bureaucracy. That must be why Erin walking out to see them happened at all. It'll be weird to see them grind out the rest of the season however, now that Michael's life is pretty much sewn up. Sometimes the show is at its best when Michael is just buffooning around anyway I suppose, and they'll have to tackle how Michael quits/gets fired/switches jobs with David Brent in Slough.

Each week I'm slightly baffled by the interplay between the rank-and-file in the office itself. It's no longer exciting for me to see Angela bust out and do something slightly wild, and confusing to see Darryl suddenly palling around with everyone. I miss the days when Dwight was cuckolding Andy. They'll probably get back to having more clear controversy within the workplace now that Michael is taken care of in love.