Holly Madison learns a couple things on this week's episode. 1) She needs to lose weight and 2) her ex boyfriend, Hugh Hefner, is engaged. Check out her reaction to both below.

Holly has been a sex symbol for quite a few years. She makes a living off of her appearance in both pictures and in her current job, Peepshow. My untrained eye finds nothing wrong with her body type or size, though the creator of the show begs to differ. Initially, Holly can't believe what she's hearing but Nick appears to be a master manipulator and gets her to come around.

[There was a video here]

Later, Holly's friends drop the bomb that her famous ex is engaged. Holly now has to process the emotions one goes through when someone you once loved is marrying another person so quickly. It must be a horrible mixed-bag of feelings, though many would argue that she really dodged an old, wrinkly bullet.

[There was a video here]