New York Times Names New Op-Ed Editor

The NYT has just named Trish Hall as its new Op-Ed editor. Interesting choice: much of Hall's career at the paper has been spent not in hard news, but in features—food, travel, style. She even edited Martha Stewart's magazine.
The memo that just went out to the newsroom:
Subject: From Andy Rosenthal: Our New Op-Ed Editor — Trish Hall
To: [Newsroom]To the Newsroom:
I'm delighted to announce that after a search that involved several fine candidates inside and outside the Times, our next Op-Ed Editor will be Trish Hall.
I can't think of anyone better suited for a job that has always been hard, requiring a broad range of knowledge and interests, as well as editing, managing and diplomatic skills. It is going to be an even bigger, more fun, and harder job now, as we seek to expand and develop our Opinion report.
I don't think Trish needs much of an introduction to anyone at the Times, but it's fun to describe her career so far. Trish, of course, is Assistant Managing Editor overseeing six weekly sections: Dining, Home, Thursday Styles, Travel, Real Estate and Sunday Style.
Before that she was editor of Living/Style, and even before that, editor of Real Estate.
She was Sunday Business Editor in 2003-2004, following a six-year stint as a free-lancer, columnist and author. Oh and did I mention that during her free-lance period, she invented Escapes for us and got it off the ground?
Trish was executive editor of Martha Stewart Living after a first, 10-year stint at The Times, as a food reporter and as deputy and then editor of Living. All this on top of six years at the Wall Street Journal, as a copy editor and reporter.
I can't wait to start working with her in this new job, which she will begin on Feb. 7.