Tonight, Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais gave his first interview since Sunday night's controversial show to Piers Morgan. Defiant as ever, Gervais not only defended his jokes, but even suggested that people were wrong to be offended. Video highlights inside.

The show opened with Morgan asking Gervais if he feels remorseful for his jokes on Sunday night, to which he replied, "No... what have I done wrong?"

[There was a video here]

Then, Gervais attempted to explain his aim when telling jokes, noted that nobody—the Hollywood Foreign Press, NBC, or anyone else—cleared his Golden Globes jokes beforehand, and addressed the HFPA's reaction to his remarks:

[There was a video here]

Later, Gervais reaffirmed that he wasn't "sorry for anything [he] said," before going even further by saying that, "just because you're offended—it doesn't mean you're in the right." Watch:

[There was a video here]

On the topic of his "And thank you to God for making me an athiest" remark that closed the broadcast, Gervais questioned why anyone—even die-hard Christians—would find it offensive (and got in a jab at religious people, too):

[There was a video here]

Finally, Gervais addressed the various conspiracy theories that arose during his hourlong absence from the stage during Sunday's awards show:

[There was a video here]

[Piers Morgan Tonight]