The new MTV show Skins aspires to a frank portrayal of very young, very horny teens. This requires lots of sexy material. But some MTV execs started worrying Skins might be a little too sexy, in a child porn way.

These execs would rather not be prosecuted for child pornography for the show, so they've toned down some of the more explicit scenes. From the New York Times:

In recent days, executives at the cable channel became concerned that some scenes from the provocative new show "Skins" may violate federal child pornography statutes.

The executives ordered the producers to make changes to tone down some of the most explicit content.

The executives are particularly concerned about the third episode of the series, which is to be broadcast Jan. 31. In an early version, a naked 17-year-old actor is shown from behind as he runs down a street. The actor, Jesse Carere, plays Chris, a high school student whose erection - assisted by erectile dysfunction pills - is a punch line throughout the episode.

Of course, the main reason MTV's target audience will continue to tune into this lackluster remake of the British version is because of its purported edginess. (Tuesday's premier boasted solid numbers.) And herein lies the problem: How do you make a super-edgy teen drama while simultaneously reassuring some suit back at Viacom that he won't be carted off as a kiddie pornographer?

Here's our suggestion: gratuitous violence. Have one of the kids mow down a bunch of pedestrians in an SUV or something—just make sure she's fully-clothed while doing it.