You wouldn't know it from watching her on television, but Jersey Shore star Jenni "JWOWW" Farley has the soul of an artist. How do we know? We found a website full of her college artwork.

A tipster kindly directed us to this site, which features a big bunch of pieces created by Jenni Farley (that's JWOWW's birth name) when she was a student at the New York Institute of Technology. The details on the site—she says she has a computer programming background and a love of art—seem to check out with both the bio on JWOWW's official website and news reports that she attended NYIT a number of years ago. Then, of course, there's the picture of her covered in paint (see above, click to expand), which appears on the homepage. JWOWW can't even create art without skanking it up.

What about the art? Her paintings, still-life sketches, and nude drawings aren't half bad! It's your typical college drawing class kind of stuff—a few oil paintings, sketches of cartoon characters (Family Guy, natch), and drawings of human figures. It's not totally horrible. But it's not exactly going to land her a show at the Gagosian Gallery or anything. Then again, maybe it could. That would be nothing if not Warholian.

Here's a selection of her best stuff. Our favorite? The painting of a beach towel, stuffed animal, detergent container, and two empty bottles of booze. If that doesn't say Jersey Shore then nothing does.


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Still Lifes

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Human Figures

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