Here in bleakest winter it's nice to have things to look forward to. Like movies! Let's take a look at what movies are coming out today, from green hornets to adultery dilemmas to Thai martial artists.

A Somewhat Gentle Man

Stellan Skarsgård stars in this Norwegian thriller/comedy about a man recently let out of prison trying to reconnect with his family and also getting sucked back into gangster violence. But it's a comedy! A dark one. Norway. Y'know. (Limited release)

Barney's Version

Thirty years of a Montreal soap opera producer's life are covered in this dramedy (that word! that horrible word!) about Paul Giamatti and the love of his life, Rosamund Pike. The movie is based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, master chronicler of the Jewiish, English-speaking, Montreal-dwelling demographic. So, you know. Pretty accessible! (New York & Los Angeles)

Burning Palms

This bizarre-looking but slightly intriguing movie is a series of five shorts about Angelenos in various states of madness, distress, peril, etc. It features Rosamund Pike (busy bee!), Zoe Saldana playing against type, Dylan McDermott Mulroney, Adriana Barazza, Jamie Chung, Nick Stahl, and Shannen Doherty. Yes, Shannen Doherty! Weird movie indeed. (New York & Los Angeles)

The Dilemma

This is the movie where Vince Vaughn hates all gay people forever and he goes around punching gay people and then later murdering them. Or something. I don't know. Winona Ryder! (Wide)

Every Day

Liev Schreiber and Helen Hunt star in this New Yorky indie about a couple going through a series of crises. There's mean old dad (Brian Dennehy), mean boss at the script writing office (Eddie Izzard), gay son (Ezra Miller), and sexy temptress coworker (Carla Gugino). It's a good cast for sure, but the drama looks a little pat and recycled. (Limited release)

The Green Hornet

Look! Seth Rogen lost some weight! (Wide release)

Ong Bak 3

In this martial arts thriller, people are kicked and hit with large sticks and sometimes punched. A hero rises again, a villain finally falls. Ong is bak, guys. He's really bak. (Limited release)

Plastic Planet

A documentary about the dangers of plastic will make you just curl up into a little ball on the bare wood floor and never want to touch or eat anything again. (New York)