On The Bachelor, Brad picked two special ladies for individual dates. Ashley was given her very-own fairground, while Jackie got the Pretty Woman treatment and a private Train show in the closed-down Hollywood Bowl. Which date was better?

First of all, we must acknowledge Michelle, who's spending her 30th birthday on a "group date" with 15 girls and is not happy about it.

[There was a video here]

So, there were two big dates on last night's show. Let's break it down.

Brad's Date With Ashley

[There was a video here]

Let's weigh the pros and cons:

+ First date of the show!
- Creepy drive into the dark wilderness
+ There's lots of fun to be had at a carnival
- Clowns are so unsexy
+ Hot photobooth action
- Running around like children
+ Receiving a rose
- The possibility of getting stranded on a Ferris Wheel
+ Making out with Brad ...three times
- Camera crews

Brad's Date With Jackie

[There was a video here]

Let's weigh the pros and cons:

+ Being pampered
- ...by Brad Womack
+ It's like a real-life Pretty Woman!
- ...with the inevitable comparison to Julia Robert's character being a whore
+ The Hollywood Bowl all to yourself
- Camera crews everywhere
+ Free dinner
- Serious talk about compatability
+ A private concert
- ...performed by the widely-hated band Train
+ Receiving a rose
- Did we mention the band Train?

Advantage: Ashley. Her date didn't involve the terrible sounds of Train, and included much less steamy make-out sessions. Sorry, Jackie!