[There was a video here]

This morning, most people concluded that "Baby Yoga with Lena Fokina"—the latest addition to the strangely popular Russian swinging baby video genre—was fake. So what do we make of this video, featuring Lena and others swinging more babies?

Warning: Video is NSFW and features bare breasts.

I no longer know what is real and what isn't. The above clip comes from a 10-minute yoga montage by Ukrainian YouTube user Garyuchka, and was uploading one month after "Baby Yoga with Lena Fokina." In the above video, Lena appears at 0:40.

"Baby Yoga with Lena Fokina" also appears on this Russian site, which describes baby yoga thusly, according to Google Translate:

Indeed, baby yoga—the practice for two, for mom (or dad) and baby. At the heart of the practice is a deep study of the postnatal physiology and emotional needs of mother and child. The practice was created to help mother and baby get to know each other, enjoy the interaction - the visual and tactile, recover from childbirth and get positive emotions.

My attempts to communicate with Garyuchka, Lena Fokina (Fokine?), and other members of this vast baby-swinging network have so far failed. Is it all a charade? Are Garyuchka and Lena Fokina pranksters, and laughing at us all, whilst tossing lifelike baby dolls through the air, like so much confetti? How can we definitively solve the Great Slavic Swinging Baby Mystery of 2011? [Update: Someone solved it! And it's real.]


This Baby Swinging Yoga Video Can't Be Real, Right?
Baby-Swinging Yoga Is Real: Meet the Children Who Survived It

Special thanks to MisterHippity for his ceaseless sleuthing.