The fourth (and final!) season of Greek kicked off last night, ironically airing at the same time as Lifetime's Craigslist Killer movie. This begs the question, "Why does this cast look so darn familiar?" We break it down, inside.

While the rest of you were watching Jake McDorman's turn as The Craigslist Killer on Lifetime last night, the younger demographic (and me) watched Evan Chambers, the rich-kid-turned-nice-guy begin Law School with some financial troubles:

[There was a video here]

If you've never tuned in before, you might wonder why Casey looks familiar. Spencer Grammer happens to be the daughter of Kelsey Grammer, but lucky for her—she's not spawned from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' resident nutjob Camille. She figure that Camille must definitely be a step-monster, though. So, what's Casey been up to all summer? For one, she didn't get into the law school of her choice because her boss (whose advances she rejected) wrote her a shitty letter of recommendation. Who plays her jerk of a boss? Sam Page, perhaps better known as Joan Holloway's "Dr. Rapist" husband (or Colin Forrester on Gossip Girl.)

[There was a video here]

We're also introduced to a new member of the ZBZ sorority: High School Musical's Olesya Rulin. (You might not recognize her in her current "swan-like" form, as she played the nerdy piano player in the Disney series.) The boy who plays the apple of her eye in this scene is Clark Duke, who starred alongside Michael Cera in their Clark and Michael web series. More recently, he played the nephew of John Cusack in the lovable train wreck that was Hot Tub Time Machine.

[There was a video here]

And for those who follow the show, here's the pivotal Casey and Cappie scene of of the episode:

[There was a video here]

Also: Everybody graduated, Ashley moved to New York City to follow her new dream job, Rebecca has a boyfriend, Rusty challenged Cappie's presidency of Kappa Tau, Calvin's the president of Omega Chi (for now) and Casey decided to stick around campus awhile longer and attend law school there. This has the makings for another brotastic, greek, drama-filled, college-y season—one final time.