How Many of the Ten Highest-Grossing Movies of 2010 Did You See?

As 2010 draws to a close, it's time to tally receipts and get our accounts in order. This includes the world's most important figures, movie box office numbers! The top 10 highest grossing movies of 2010 are...
These numbers are worldwide:
10. Clash of the Titans — $493.2 million
9. How to Train Your Dragon — $494.9 million
8. Despicable Me — $539.9 million
7. Iron Man 2 — $582.2 million
6. Twilight Saga: Eclipse — $693.5 million
5. Shrek Forever After — $739.8 million
4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. — $824.1
3. Inception — $825.4 million
2. Alice in Wonderland — $1 billion
1. Toy Story 3 — $1.1 billion
I saw Clash of the Titans on a plane back from Rome and was excited to watch it, what with it being a classical adventure and all and thus vaguely relating to my trip (I learned nothing on my trip, obviously) and oh my gosh it was so bad! Did you see that movie? It was bad in a way that movies are rarely bad. It was basically Valentine's Day with some giant killer crabs digitally added in. It is tremendously, hat-flappingly bad. Oof.
Twilight: Eclipse is basically Taylor Lautner porn comedy plus a cute new vampyr who doesn't have much to do. Lots of dry humping too! I saw Iron Man 2 on another plane (I'M VERY FANCY, GUYS) and it was so bad too! Not Clash of the Titans bad, but bad. Harry Potter is obvs good. As is Inception. And there at the top is Toy Story 3, which would make even a British robot cry. So a mixed list.
Which ones did you see? Look at all that animated crap. Where's I Am Love??