Today at Gawker.TV, Jason Segel went on Fallon just to recycle some jokes while Diddy showed up lat and drunk while offering to expose himself to Chelsea Lately, Conan reveals some amazing Christmas decorations, and Mika just wants her booze.

1. Jason Segel Recylces Material on Fallon
Sometimes material is just too good to use once and throw away. This seems to be the case with Jason Segel's Kermit story, since he used it last week and again last night on Late Night. Comparison inside.

2. Diddy is Late, Drunk and Offering to Expose Himself on Chelsea Lately
Things got a little sloppy on last night's Chelsea Lately when Diddy showed up late and drunk, and Chelsea wasn't happy. But, she was seemingly soothed by Diddy's relentless advances toward her, to which she seemed somewhat receptive.

3. Conan Reveals the Greatest Christmas Decorations in the History of Humanity
Last night, Conan's new holiday decorations were revealed. The decorator? None other than Kenny Erwin Jr. He brought a new look to the show including: Godzilla with a candy cane, a Larry King shrine, and a giant Christmas chicken sandwich!

4. Leave Mika Alone, She Just Likes Booze
Mika showed up late to Morning Joe today and upon her arrival, the producer read a letter from a fan concerned for Mika's well-being. Mika defends herself, but adds at the end, "and I like my vodka." Us, too.

5. Rent is Too Damn High Guy Wants to Take Your Clothes Off and Do You in the Kitchen
This morning Jimmy McMillan stopped by Good Day New York to serenade us with a medley of jams from his latest CD. Lucky for us, the producers there didn't check the lyrics and we got this completely inappropriate/awesome performance.