The classic 60s' TV series Batman causes a number of people to recall bright, poorly timed sound bubbles with ridiculous words like "ZOK" written in them, but that wasn't all they should remember. Batman was dropping knowledge left and right.

"Holy rattle-snakes Internet! Batman was trying to teach us something!"

What viewers should have embedded in their memories from this legendary procession are the barrels of Bat-wisdom provided to us by the original batman, Adam West.

Even though West's portrayal of Batman has become a running joke in today's culture, he managed to represent the caped crusader as a very human crime-fighter, one who has a true belief in honesty, social responsibility and morals providing us with a very different version of the Dark Knight than the one we know today.

Batman knows the importance of multilingualism:

The importance of music as the universal language:

The importance of free press:

How trying your hardest is the best that you can do:

The value of astronomy:

And of course democracy:

Always remember, if you commit crime, Adam West will mess you up.

Morgan Modjeski is a fourth-year English student at the University of Manitoba and has done work in both print and online media. He is also the culture editor at the Manitoban, the University of Manitoba students' newspaper and has been called a nice guy on more than one occasion. Follow him on Twitter here.