There's some confusion over the rape and sexual molestation allegations facing Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Some think it's a simple mix-up over a broken condom. Newly leaked police reports about the incidents in question should put that idea to rest.

Assange is currently under house arrest in a journalist's sprawling countryside estate as British courts decide whether they'll send him to Sweden to face the charges. Judging from emails we've received and comments from prominent Wikileaks supporters, many people believe that Assange has been bamboozled by overly-broad Swedish rape laws or his alleged victims who, in their eyes, must be CIA plants, craven radical feminists, vengeful lovers or some Nordic super-spy combination of all three. Assange and his lawyers have repeatedly claimed that the charges are part of a smear campaign by the U.S. government.

But police documents viewed by the Guardian which detail Assange's fateful trip to Sweden tell a long, messy story of sexual misadventures. Among the details is this account from leftist activist Anna Ardin, one of Assange's two accusers: From the Guardian:

Her account to police, which Assange disputes, stated that he began stroking her leg as they drank tea, before he pulled off her clothes and snapped a necklace that she was wearing. According to her statement she "tried to put on some articles of clothing as it was going too quickly and uncomfortably but Assange ripped them off again". Miss A told police that she didn't want to go any further "but that it was too late to stop Assange as she had gone along with it so far", and so she allowed him to undress her.

According to the statement, Miss A then realised he was trying to have unprotected sex with her. She told police that she had tried a number of times to reach for a condom but Assange had stopped her by holding her arms and pinning her legs. The statement records Miss A describing how Assange then released her arms and agreed to use a condom, but she told the police that at some stage Assange had "done something" with the condom that resulted in it becoming ripped, and ejaculated without withdrawing.

Ardin later told a friend that this had been "the worst sex ever": "not only had it been the world's worst screw, it had also been violent." Wow, a real-life bodice-ripping! We already knew Assange gets his game from dime store romance novels; he apparently gets his moves from them, too.

Previously: The Creepy, Lovesick Emails of Julian Assange