Thanksgiving is here! Which means mashed potatoes, so yay, but it also means family. Family's the worst! So get out of the house and go see a movie this holiday weekend. Will it be naked ladies or... nearly-naked ladies?

Cher and Christina Aguilera sing and wriggle in this vampy, campy musical for sad, lonely people. Stanley Tucci does his gay shtick, and someone named Cam Gigandet shows up to wear eyeliner and try not vomit while kissing a girl. (Wide release)

Love & Other Drugs
Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway sex it up something fierce in Ed Zwick's 1996-set melodrama about love, and... drugs. If you like self-satisfied smirks, this is the movie for you. (Wide release)

Disney ruins a perfectly good opportunity to revitalize the hand-drawn animation fairy tale movie industry (a process begun by The Princess and the Frog) by computerizing and wacky joke-izing this Rapunzel tale. Acting dynamos Mandy Moore and Zach Levi lend their voices to the dreary proceedings. (Wide release)

When The "Dwayne Johnson" Rock says he wants to go faster, you'd better believe that he wants to go faster. And faster he will go in this movie, about going fast, Faster. Basically he's getting revenge for something bad that happened to him and he kills lots of people. Revenge-mad murders? Perfect for Thanksgiving family get-togethers! (Wide release)