Soon you'll be able to pay $10 (or more) for a bottle of Glace Rare Iceberg Water taken straight from an iceberg in Greenland. What a deal! The producer says "It is so tasteless that it actually creates a taste."

The man behind Glace, Ron Stamp, is a Newfoundlander who decided to make iceberg water after failed attempts at striking it rich with iceberg vodka and beer. According to the Los Angeles Times, "gourmet" bottled water makes up under 5% of the $10.6-billion annual bottled water sales in the U.S. The paper also caught up with Michael Mascha, a former food anthropologist, who is very excited about the idea of fancy water becoming the Next Big Thing:

Water is not water anymore. Water is the new wine. [...] It's for a nice meal … if you want to impress someone. It's an aspirational product, like a nice bottle of wine, a nice bottle of Champagne."

So rip off water is "an aspirational product," not simply a scheme to make money off gullible people with disposable incomes? Good to know. We can't wait to "impress" people with our $10 bottles of water. Oh, and according to Mascha, iceberg water is "very neutral, very soft … perfect for very subtle foods like sushi and sashimi."