Food crusader Mayor Michael Bloomberg has found a way to save the city around $350,000 a year — by cutting the calorie intake of Rikers Island inmates by 160 a day. And no more chocolate pudding! Or black pepper.

Today, inmates get around 3,000 calories a day, which is over the amount recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So, as part of Bloomberg's new budget proposal, prisoners will see their daily ration of eight slices of wheat bread cut to six, according to the Daily News. Pudding and black pepper will be cut, too. Correction Department spokeswoman Sharman Stein told the paper, "Since food is a big part of our budget, we tried to see what fell into [nutrition] guidelines and found we could make this small cut."

It's a win-win for everyone! Well, except for those poor bastards who trade their junk food for smokes.


[Image via AP]