Physicists Create and Trap Antimatter, Universe Doesn't Explode

In a paper today, scientists from Switzerland's CERN lab reveal they created and trapped a form of antimatter for the first time ever. There's no practical use for this except, you know, figuring out why the universe exists.
Yep, a team of physicists produced 38 atoms of antihydrogen in a vacuum chamber, trapping them for about two-tenths of a second. (Antihydrogen is just like hydrogen... only anti.) This is exciting because while scientists have been creating antimatter for years, they've never been able to keep it around for any amount of time and study it. They hope that by studying antimatter— by comparing it to matter—we may finally be able to explain why, after the Big Bang created equal parts matter and antimatter, the two didn't just collide and self-annihilate.
Also, seems like antimatter might point the way to some sort of revolutionary weight-loss system.