This was possibly the best episode of Weeds in two years. We saw the return of Esteban and Guillermo, a resolve to story-lines that have been dragging on for two seasons, and finally got a little bit of closure.

After a sorry goodbye, Silas told Andy and Shane that he was staying behind with his biological father (Lars). They accepted the news and Andy, Stevie, Shane, and Warren prepared to go...but Nancy remained the missing piece.

How much have you missed Guillermo after watching this?

[There was a video here]

Then, there was the airport. Weeds played on racial profiling and some other awkward stereotypes associated with airports, but more importantly they threw in a twist worth being excited over. Does Silas come back? Does Nancy get away? Does she get on the plane? Does Esteban get Stevie? What is Plan C that Nancy and Andy keep talking about?

Here's the best 2 minutes of Nancy and crew in the airport.

[There was a video here]

Watching this episode was like a reward for sticking with Weeds for so long. Next season the show not only looks like it will take a different direction, but that it will actually be new, interesting, and good. It also looks like a good setup for Conrad and Helia to return, it's too bad U-Turn can't come back though (RIP). If there was a theme to this episode though, it was "Thug means never having to say you're sorry."

DO NOT watch this clip if you don't want to know what happens.

[There was a video here]