When news aggregation goes wrong: Fox News republished a USA Today article called "Obama Shares Dreams for His Kids in Book About 13 Americans." Fox News' headline? "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed U.S. General."

The chief in question is Sitting Bull, whom Obama calls "a Sioux medicine man who healed broken hearts and broken promises" in his book. Here's a comparison between USA Today's article and Fox News' article, the latter of which is exactly the same as the former, but with a different headline and one paragraph in bold:

Click image to enlarge

C'mon, guys, if you're going to write a divisive, overblown headline, at least insert a self-referential joke and a hasty photoshop job with yellow arrows, or something.

Obama is donating all of his royalties from the book to a scholarship fund for children of disabled and fallen American soldiers. Basically, this picture book is his jihad. You heard it here first: The natives are restless, and they are teaming up with our Taliban Muslim Illegally Elected President. [Fox Nation, USA Today via onebadclam]