Last night's finale to Bored to Death succeeded by being smart, being simple, and not trying too hard. The consistently fun show ended without a huge fuss, and even as a second season concludes, the characters still feel real.

The final episode of the second season isn't raising a question, it's full of great moments. Here's a handful of them:

The best line of the episode is NSFW if you are offended by the word "twat." The line is in reference to the fact that Ray has received a "voodoo" doll of himself with an embroidered vagina that he's given to a police officer known to have sexual "issues."

[There was a video here]

Jim Gaffigan stopped by to diagnose George "Mayday Malone" Christopher as a man very much in pain.

[There was a video here]

George didn't take too well to the diagnoses, hence Mr. Christopher will no longer employed at his magazine in Season 3.

Jonathan is up for a new teaching job, but so is Louis. The battle for true hand-slapping, briefcase battering literary machismo seems no closer to an end.

[There was a video here]

The climax was right out of DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths as Super Ray unknowingly watched Jonathan Ames deck Jonathan Ames.

[There was a video here]