Today at Gawker.TV, Zach Galifianakis shares his best hitchhiking stories, Will Ferrell and Manny Pacquiao sing a duet, HIMYM celebrates slutty girls at the Halloween parade in the Village, and Robert Downey Jr. has some career advice for Charlie Sheen.

Zach Galifianakis Shares His Hitchhiking Experiences
The Daily Show interviewed a very well-dressed—honestly, we're impressed!—Zach Galifianakis last night. The topics of choice were Zach's personal experiences in hitchhiking (full of amber alerts and mooning) and his first time meeting Jon Stewart years ago.

Will Ferrell & Manny Pacquiao Sing John Lennon's "Imagine"
Will Ferrel's recent string of talk show performances hasn't ended just yet: last night, he performed a duet with Filipino professional boxer Manny Pacquiao. The song of choice was John Lennon's "Imagine" and honestly — it was actually pretty good!

Robert Downey Jr. Gives Charlie Sheen a Little Bit of Career Advice
On the Late Show, Dave brought up Charlie Sheen's recent "overblown" incident at the Plaza Hotel. Interesting fact: the two actors went to high school together — but Robert Downey Jr. doesn't party with Sheen. Probably for the best?

Stephen Colbert Tries to Get a Hobby, Fails
Last night, believing that fear is truly dead, Stephen Colbert welcomed viewers into his "Hobby Hovel" to build birdhouses. All was going swimmingly until he brought out the sparkles. After daintily tossing sparkles in his birdhouse, Colbert cracked.

HIMYM Celebrates Halloween's Costume-Filled Walk of Shame
Where were you on the morning of November 1st? If you're like the women featured on last night's How I Met Your Mother, you might have been making the Walk of Shame after partying hard in the village all night.