It came down to the wire, but one group this election cycle has finally made an ad so shocking and negative that it can only air after 10 p.m.! Let's look at the Kentucky Democratic party's terrifying "Rand Paul STOMP."

Lock the kids in the cellar before watching this little number, even though it's Halloween season. We weren't sure about how explicitly the Jack Conway campaign or a larger Democratic organization would blame Rand Paul for his county coordinator's head-stomping of a liberal activist outside a debate Monday night, but that's all over now. The Kentucky Democratic party answers that one very clearly in this new ad, which actually uses "stomp" as a metaphor for various programs or issues Rand Paul may or may not want to eliminate. And the finale: "Rand Paul: Stomping on you. Stomping on Kentucky." A simple way to go about being shameless, sure, but still jarring and confusing and convoluted. Why does it show video of the man stomping on the lady and then immediately cut to a text screen about how Rand Paul wants to end student loans? Was this woman the personification of student loans? Jesus. This is a very aggressive ad from the communications folks at the Kentucky Democratic party. And they're scared of it themselves, according to the Washington Post's Greg Sargent:

Matt Erwin, a spokesperson for the Kentucky Dems, tells me that the party has decided to air the spot, but after an internal discussion they decided against running it during the day, because "it's scary."

This will either work for Jack Conway, or it won't work.

Five more days.