Live Blogging Project Runway: The Season Finale

It's time for our last live blog of the season, which means that tonight a winner will be decided and the losers will be sent home to cry into their sewing machines. Join us and root for your favorite!
If Mondo, the magnificent pocket-size wonder who seems to be the fan favorite, finally wins this thing, we can share the happy moment together! And if—in some bizarre upset—he loses to Andy or Gretchen, we can share our disappointment. Unless you were rooting for Gretchen which means you'll be happy and we probably don't like you anyway. Either way, everyone gets to share—and sharing is nice!
If you haven't shared in this live blog experience with us before, here's how to do it: Turn on the TV, tune it to Lifetime, wait for Project Runway to start (at 9 pm Eastern), and start posting comments about the show below this post. The rest of us will all do the same—that's where the sharing magic happens!
I'll be sharing a few details about what we can expect on tonight's episode shortly—but before we get to that, I have a few matters from last week's live blog to address:
- First, I tallied up everyone's votes in our final "Kors-style runway putdown" (KSRP) contest, and the winner was commenter eleusiswalks with this description of April's last dress: "The Wicked Witch of the (Upper) West (Side)." Can't you just hear Michael Kors saying that? Well done, Walksy!
- Second, after sorting through all of the thousand-plus wise and witty comments you guys posted last week, I've collected a few of my favorites, so be sure to go and read that when you get a chance.
OK, about tonight: We have two hours of live-blogging ahead of us, because that's how long the finale will last—but that time block includes a "reunion special" that features a group interview with all 17 of this season's contestants. Lifetime isn't making it clear exactly when the "reunion" stuff will take place—presumably during the final half-hour, or perhaps in chunks scattered throughout the episode. But whenever it does happen, expect lots of dishing and cattiness as well as at least one "why are you such a bitch?" question for Ivy.
Regarding the final episode itself, hare are a few things to watch out for tonight:
- We'll finally get a look at the finalists' runway-show collections, which were actually shown at Fashion week seven weeks ago. Gawker's Brian Moylan was there and filed this great report, which has pictures and capsule reviews of each collection. So you may want to go back and read that before the show starts—if don't mind seeing and learning about the collections before they appear on the episode, that is.
- According to Lifetime's promo commercial for tonight's episode—which shows judges Heidi, Nina(Garcia Fashion Director of Marie Claire Magazine), and Michael Kors arguing about something—the judging panel will "for the first time … actually be divided!" Knowing how deceptive these promos usually are, that probably just means that the judges were arguing about where to have lunch together after the runway show.
- Tonight's guest judge will be that famous reality-show dimbulb and mouth-contorting song-wailer, Jessica Simpson. And I can't think of one good reason she's a judge, can you? All I know is, she'd better not do anything to derail a Mondo victory, or a bunch of angry Project Runway viewers will want to kick her mom-jeans-covered butt.
OK, the show's about to start—but before we get the live blog underway, I want to take a moment to tell you all what an honor it's been all season to host this party with such a smart and witty bunch of commenters. I love hanging with y'all, because, to paraphrase Ms. Simpson (Jessica, not Marge), with you, I can let my hair down and say anything crazy! So right now, once again, let's all let our hair down and say any crazy thing that pops into our heads — and hopefully, after tonight, we'll get a chance to do it again real soon.