Tonight's Boardwalk Empire took Nucky and Margaret's relationship to the next level. It seems like just last week these crazy kids were lustfully kissing in a doorway. Now Margaret gets to live her dream life as a political mistress!

Nucky and Margaret have started sleeping together. To make sure their relationship yields no unwelcome surprises, Margaret seeks the advice of her friends at the Temperance League. The league gives her the work of Margaret Sanger to make sure no complications arise.

[There was a video here]

Modern day science makes that seem like a bad idea.

Later, a newly confident Margaret takes Nucky's last flame down a few pegs in the lingerie shop fitting room.

[There was a video here]

Waiter, can she have the check because she has been served.

Margaret and Nucky's life together goes swimmingly for a time. Nucky moves Margaret and her family into a lovely new residence. He even starts taking her to special events. Nothing could go wrong in this situation!

[There was a video here]

Looks like the honeymoon is over!