Amazing things can happen when journalism students email strangers for help with their class assignments. But not if they start out by insulting them. Here's an email request that could be interpreted as a little insensitive!

A tipster forwards this email that landed in his inbox from a journalism student at a respectable east coast college:

Hello, I'm a student at [redacted] in my senior year and I have to do a profile on, as my teacher likes to put it, a news "dinosaur". The profile has to be on people's whose jobs in journalism have drastically changed or disappeared. The project has to be in by Nov 11th and I'm really having a hard time finding someone. If you can be of assistance, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for you time.

Know why you're having a hard time finding an unemployed journalist to talk to? They all drank themselves to death after they realized they were "dinosaurs," as your teacher likes to put it.