Friday is here, which means movies! It's a fairly quiet week for releases, but let's take a look anyway. Mostly, this week's movies are about g-g-ghossssts! We've got Paranormal Activity 2 and Hereafter, plus a couple of indies.

Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity 2 comes to you after the monster success of the low-budget Paranormal Activity 1. This time there are more cameras, plus a baby. If you go for this sorta cinema verité horror business, well then you'll probably like this. If not? Go with a date who does and you'll be in Cuddletown faster than you can eat a tub of popcorn. (Which is pretty fast. You should really be careful about that.) (Wide release)


Hereafter is our other ghost picture, this one a serious rumination on the afterlife and all that mumbo jumbo. It opened here in New York last week, so all you plebs out there in Middle Blubmerica are basically getting our fabulous table scraps. Our moody, turgid, heavy-handed table scraps. (Wide release)


This is a gritty drama about a little girl who needs lung transplants and her dad, Dylan McDermott Mulroney, going to Mexico to... get some lungs, I guess. (Limited release)


This is a comedy about wrestling featuring the always hangin'-on Mark Feuerstein. No, it is not 1998 all of a sudden. (Limited release)