Live Blogging Jersey Shore, the Season Finale

The Great Guido Migration of 2010 is over. This is the final episode Jersey Shore season two with our eight favorite miscreants misbehaving in Miami. That means it's also your final chance to make fun of them with us.
Here's what's going to happen. After you dry your eyes from the weeping caused by the end of the season, turn your television to MTV at 10pm. While watching the show, we'll post all our questions, comments, and snide remarks below. You can too, by typing what you have to say in the white field below and pressing "Share." Congrats, you're live blogging. Be sure to check out everyone's comments and reply to them. Also, refresh the page often so you can see all the new comments and all the replies to your comments. This is your last chance for a live blog until January. Don't miss out!
OK, kiddos. See you in the comments.