Meg Whitman, the Republican nominee for California Governor, used to be the CEO of eBay. She knows a lot about computers, right? Apparently not enough to prevent a staffer from mistakenly Tweeting a video of a cross- Japanese bass player.

At least, I think it was a mistake. Whitman has already poured a record amount of money into her private campaign for a position no one wants, but she might want to use that money to stop things like this from happening, via InfoWorld's Ted Samson:

SD Cnty Sheriff Assoc says @Whitman2010 4 gov! RT: @Murphy4MegNews: CA Cops get it: Jerry Brown is too soft on crime. Oct 18 23:39:19 via web

Sarah Pompei

That link goes to this video:

The woman who Tweeted the link to the video is Sarah Pompei, Meg Whitman's press secretary. The gentleman in the video is a member of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Kidding! That's Jerry Brown. Kidding again! The person in the video is, I believe, K-ON Fuwa Fuwa Timebass, whose endorsement, as far as I know, is still up for grabs.

Why is our friend K-ON Fuwa Fuwa Timebass attached to the announcement about the sheriff's department? It's still unclear. I mean, sure, it was probably an accident! But it's way more fun to try and interpret the video as a re-enactment or re-interpretation of the SDCSD's endorsement.

(The Tweet, by the way, is two days old, but as of the time of this writing, it's still up. How responsive the Whitman era could be for us all!)

[Twitter via InfoWorld]