What does Bill Clinton have in common with 27-year-old French street artist "JR"? No, not some sex thing: As of today, they've both won the TED prize, a $100,000 award for "exceptional individuals." Want to see JR's art?

[Photo via f4bzef4b/Flickr]

JR works mainly in slums around the world—Brazil, Cambodia, and Kenya, for example—transforming the buildings in poor neighborhoods with huge, blown-up photographs of the residents plastered to the exterior. In some cases, the pictures serve as building material—in Kenya, the vinyl photographs became new, waterproof roofs for the residents' homes.

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

Besides handing the money, the TED people—who also put on a series of lectures you can catch on YouTube—ask the winners to make "one wish big enough to change the world." (I know, I know. But their hearts are in the right place!) Clinton, who won the award in 2007, wished for people "to help create a better future for Rwanda by assisting my foundation, in partnership with the Rwandan Government, to build a sustainable, high quality rural health system for the whole country."

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

JR hasn't had time to think of a wish yet—he's currently in Shanghai, working on a project—but told The New York Times that "it would undoubtedly involve his kind of guerrilla art." The money, too, would be put toward a more ambitious project.

A few more of JR's photos below.

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via eldret_99/Flickr]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via Wooster Collective]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]

[Photo via 28millimetres.com]