You might remember Dustin Lance Black for making you cry when he accepted his Best Original Screenplay Oscar for Milk. Recently, Black visited his high school in Northern California with the Homecoming Project to talk about anti-gay bullying and violence.

The Homecoming Project, run by LIVE OUT LOUD, connects LGBT leaders and professionals with high school students at their old high schools. Much like It Gets Better, The Homecoming Project aims not only to give hope to LGBT teens, but to spread a message of understanding and peace to the community at large.

[There was a video here]

Black's trip back to his conservative high school was extremely moving. In the wake of so many tragedies related to anti-gay sentiments and bullying, it's great to see people taking a stand. You can watch the full 9 minute video here, and can learn more about LIVE OUT LOUD and The Homecoming Project on their site.