Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 12

Can you believe that we've had three months of Jersey Shore? What other insulting things do we have to say about our favorite guidos. Join our live blog and help us find out. Heck, hurl some insults of your own.
Here's how this little party works. At 10pm we're all going to turn our tubes to MTV and watch the greatest sociological experiment of our time together.While watching the show, we'll post all our questions, comments, and snide remarks below. You can to, by typing what you have to say in the white field below and pressing "Share." Congrats, you're live blogging. Be sure to check out everyone's comments and reply to them. Also, refresh the page often so you can see all the new comments and all the replies to your comments. See, it's a bit like our very own Two-Minute Hate, except you don't have to know a thing about 1984 to join in. You just have to want to make fun of Jersey Shore. By now, that should come naturally.
Alright, critters. See you in the comments.