With Angelina gone, nary a punch was thrown on tonight's episode of Jersey Shore . But if you assumed that all of the drama would follow her out the door, you'd be wrong, thanks to Mike, the drunken club creep.

The clip speaks for itself:

[There was a video here]

One night of this behavior would be bad enough. On the next night out, Situation tried to steal Vinny's girl Ramona (the one who has been stringing him along but is now making out with him from time to time) in the ultimate violation of the Bro Code. This isn't so much funny as it is Mike getting a little rapey.

[There was a video here]

Tonight's episode revealed - and get ready for this because it will shock you to the core - that the Situation is probably a little insecure. It's true! Contrary to what you may believe, the flashy behavior, communication through catchphrases and constantly talking in the third person is most likely not the result of a wealth of confidence behind those perpetually sunglass-covered eyes. If the house needed a new man out, it looks like they may have found it.

Until next week, kids!