Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 11

Yes, we know that the creature known as Trash Bags is no longer on Jersey Shore, but that doesn't mean there won't be drama. Come and watch all the action from the eye of the reality TV hurricane.
Yes, as there is every Thursday, there is going to be a storm of drinking, fighting, hooking up, gelato, spray tan, and bodily fluids on Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time. You can't weather this alone, you should join us. Here's the safety protocol. At 10pm turn your set to MTV. We'll all be doing the same, because it's a bit like the Emergency Broadcast System. While watching the show, we'll post all our questions, comments, and snide remarks below. You can to, by typing what you have to say in the white field below and pressing "Share." Congrats, you're live blogging. Be sure to check out everyone's comments and reply to them. Also, refresh the page often so you can see all the new comments and all the replies to your comments. See, it's like being trapped in a school gymnasium while the storm passes with like 100 really awesome and funny people! So, put on your slickers and join us in the comments!