Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 11

Time for another Project Runway commenting party! Tonight's episode will feature active wear. Why don't you don some inactive wear and come in and watch the and comment on the show with some very active friends?
My inactive wear ensemble, by the way, includes a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and I may throw on a bathrobe as an outer wear accessory. How about yours? If you're not sure, take a minute to think about that while I take a minute to explain how this live blog works to any newbies out there.
Hello, newbies! Welcome! Here's what we do here every week: We watch Project Runway—which airs on Lifetime at 9 pm Eastern—and post a running commentary about the show in the comments section below this post. Imbibing in alcohol, or any other substance of your choice, is optional, but encouraged—as is wearing clothes. It's fun, and often full of surprises!
Last week, a really surprising thing happened: The dramatic developments promised in a Lifetime episode promo turned out to be real, rather than deceptive hype. The "heart-wrenching moment" we were told we'd "never stop talking about" arrived when Mondo revealed that he's been HIV positive for the past 10 years, and has never told his own mother, who was a guest on the episode. So hundreds of the 2,000-plus comments in last week's live blog were devoted to expressions of emotion and support for Mondo. Because we all love Mondo, so much so, in fact, that they should probably just change the show's name this season to Everybody Loves Mondo.
In addition to emotional comments, last week's live-blog featured scads of brilliant, witty and entertaining ones too. I've assembled a selection of my favorites, so be sure to include reading that on your list of planned inactivities for the evening. One of my inactivities yesterday was to watch a DVD full of preview clips of tonight's episode—which I did, and it looks like we're in for another eventful episode. Here are a few things to watch for:
- The "accusation of cheating" they've teasing in promos for weeks will finally air tonight. My guess is that it was Gretchen who cheated, by hiring an actress to pretend to be her mother, when in reality she has no mother, because she was spawned in Hell. But I could be wrong about that. Maybe somebody just swiped a pattern book or something.
- The elimination challenge will be (spoiler alert!) to create a look that will be included in the new "Heidi Klum for New Balance" active wear collection. The designers will actually be shown a bunch of clothes from that collection and told to make an outfit matching the same aesthetic—which is not only a pretty shameless product placement, but also a pretty terrible concept for a challenge.
- Heidi will visit the workroom and behave in such a bitchy and hyper-critical way that two of the designers will become openly hostile toward her. Oh, Likeable Heidi, where have you gone?
- Andy will sport a new hairstyle tonight: The Jimmy Neutron Look.
- Special guests will also arrive in the workroom. Without divulging too much, I'll only say this: Just when you think you've gotten rid of poison ivy, it has a nasty habit of flaring up again.
OK, comrades, it's nearly 9 pm—time for the inactivists of the world to unite! All hail the commenting party!