Phillip Calderon, 37, was escorted off the campus of Binghamton University in upstate New York last Wednesday for pretending he was an undergraduate student at the university. Was this all a ploy to get close to gay students?

Calderon was an active member of the school's gay student group, Rainbow Pride Union, serving as the club's director last year and the director of conferences this year. Calderon successfully persuaded organizers of the Northeast Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Conference to hold their annual event at Binghamton this April. Looks like he's not going to get to see the fruits (ha!) of all his labor.

A tipster tells us that Calderon dated at least one student in the past year. If that student—or anyone else he dated during his time at the university—was over the age of 18 at the time, that's not a crime. It's just creepy. Still, with all the concern about the safety of gay students on college campuses in the wake of the Tyler Clementi suicide at Rutgers, this couldn't have come at a worse time.

It's surprising that such an active member of campus life—Calderon was a member of the Off Campus College Council, student representative on the Student Assembly, and paid IT employee for various campus groups—took so long to be discovered. The jig was up when Calderon falsified an application to the Student Association when he applied for a position on the Off Campus College Transportation board of directors. He was charged with a misdemeanor for falsifying his age on business documents.