It's official: Rahm Emanuel is running for Mayor of Chicago! He's got a website and a boring YouTube video and everything. Let's listen to mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel announce his candidacy and his "Tell It Like It Is" Tour.

"I'm going to spend the next few weekends visiting our neighborhoods, at grocery stores, L stops, bowling alleys and hot dog stands," Rahm says. "I'm calling this the 'tell it like it is tour,' because I want to hear from you, in blunt, Chicago terms, what you think about our city."

Hear that? Rahm Emanuel is taking it straight to the common hot dog consumer. He's like the Tea Party of the processed meat crowd. Although, Rahm, save some time and just go to one hot dog stand because you're going to hear the same thing at all of them: "I feel sort of ill. Don't know why I ate four chili cheese dogs with extra onions before talking to Rahm Emanuel. [Huge Belch]. Excuse me."