Rahm Emanuel resigned as White House chief of staff today to run for mayor of Chicago. For someone with such a hardened, Machiavellian reputation, his farewell speech — during which he choked up — was surprisingly eloquent. Where's the rage?

Emanuel, who "bear-hugged" Barack Obama twice during this East Room ceremony, was also showered with glorious gifts:

Earlier, at his daily meeting, Emanuel was feted by his staff – and given a dead Asian Carp, wrapped in Chicago daily newspapers by Obama economic adviser Austen Goolsbee, a reference to the dead fish Emanuel once delivered to a Democratic operative as a joke.

Yet even the fish had a Chicago hook – the carp is an invasive species that has invaded the waterways around Chicago and Emanuel has been obsessed with finding a way to eradicate it, according to administration aides.

He just loves killing things, so much.