We Need You to Write the First Page of Snooki's Novel

The greatest literary mind of her generation, Jersey Shore's Snooki, is set to publish her first novel next year. Audition to be her ghostwriter by penning the first page of her novel! You could win a fun prize.
We know that Snooki's novel, A Shore Thing!, will be about a girl who goes to the Jersey Shore to find love on the boardwalk. The first page of your work should stick with that premise and really capture the reader's attention with insight and detail. Maybe we're introduced to the main character, maybe her surroundings are described, maybe it starts in medias res with her waking up on the floor of a bar after being punched out. It's up to you!
Leave your work in the comments section of this post. Whoever comes up with the best first page of Snooki's novel will win a big box of books. (Advance copies sent to us by publishers and new releases, mostly.) We'll select a winner tomorrow afternoon. Good luck, and remember, America's literary legacy rests in your hands.