Is This Glass-Encased Las Vegas Hotel a Giant 'Death Ray'?

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Unless what happens in Vegas is that a glass-encased, concave hotel creates a "death ray" of concentrated sunlight and burns a guest. This is something everyone should know about.
Chicago attorney Bill Pintas was lounging by the pool at the Vdara Hotel recently when he suddenly felt extreme heat on his head and smelled the distinctive odor of burning hair. He ran to the shade, and when he returned he found that the plastic bag sitting next to him had melted.
"It felt like I had a chemical burn. I couldn't imagine why my head was burning," Pintas told the Daily Mail. "Within 30 seconds, the back of my legs were burning."
What may have happened is that the concave surface of the hotel focused sunlight onto Pintas, cooking him like a hot dog in some high schooler's solar oven science fair project. The staff of the hotel seem to be aware of this phenomenon. They joked with a Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter about the "Vdara death ray" that appears when the sun hits the building just so.
But we're skeptical. The Vdara's Yelp page features not a single mention of the death ray. Not even a short one like, "Pros: Great room service, good pool; Cons: Creates a death ray." And if the death ray is anything like this Las Vegas Review-Journal infographic suggests, the Vdara would have already hired some fire-breathing showgirls and launched "The World Famous Vdara Death Ray Revue."