Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 9

Happy first day of autumn! Why not celebrate the new season by fixing yourself a nice hot toddy, cozying up to a warm television screen, and live-blogging tonight's episode of Project Runway with us?
If you've never put this event on your calendar before, here's all you have to do: Watch the show—which starts at 9 pm Eastern on Lifetime—and post witty quips and observations about what you see in the comments section below this post. The rest of us will be doing the same. Before you know it, funny and entertaining comments will swirling around like beautiful autumn leaves!
During our last live blog, there were more funny and entertaining comments than you could shake a rake at. I've harvested a couple dozen of my favorites in this "highlights" post, so be sure to click the link and take a look at that when you get a chance. Other notable moments from last week included these:
- We suddenly found Michael C. a lot less likeable when he spoke of "smacking Tim Gunn in the head." Hopefully, he will not blaspheme against the Lord Gunn in that way ever again.
- When commenter bellawill4 observed,"I think I love to hate Gretchen, and just hate Ivy," it occurred to me that his may reflect the following general rule: Gretchen is the is the one we love to hate, while Ivy is the one we just hate.
- When Michael D.'s outfit was criticized for looking like it was inspired by the play The Crucible, commenter BXgirljeri used this brilliant "six degrees"-like logic to explain how this actually connected to the challenge's "Jackie Kennedy" theme: "The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller, who was married to Marilyn Monroe, who screwed JFK, who was married to … Jackie!"
- No sooner had we learned of Michael D.'s secret identity as "Captain Outerwear" than he flew up into the sunset, never to be seen again. Who was that knit-caped man?
I'm not sure about that, but I'm pretty certain about a few things that will happen on tonight's episode, because I've been watching a bunch of preview clips. Here's a sampling of what to expect:
- Tonight's challenge will be to create looks that will appear in a L'Oreal advertorial—and the victorious designer will get a cash prize of $20,000. If Michael C. wins this challenge too, we may actually see Gretchen's head explode.
- Of the cash prize up for grabs, April will say: "Not only would that help me pay off my student loans, but I could also get a miniature pony." Apparently, she's not joking about this—April really wants to own a miniature pony. You heard it here first!
- Gretchen will appear at one point with her hair in pigtails, which—in conjunction with her severe bangs—adds up to a rather homely hairstyle reminiscent of the one worn by Louise Lasser in the old Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman TV serial of the '70s.
OK, let's all hum a few bars of "Autumn in New York" as we get ready for tonight's posting party, shall we? I'll see you down in the comments!