Despite being the best bank to work for in the whole wide world, Goldman Sachs has a few problems, according to a new lawsuit from three former female employees. Specifically: sexism, racism, and an undying love for strippers.

The suit filed yesterday accuses Goldman of systematically underpaying women and promoting them less than male counterparts. Two of the women filing the suit were former Goldman executives: H. Cristina Chen-Oster, a VP, and Lisa Parisi, a managing director.

Of course, the most salacious part of the suit is not the statistical breakdown of Goldman's lack of female executives and accusations of systematic discrimination in promotion; it's the accusations of frat boy sexism and racism. On Wall Street! Let's go to the suit! There's the out-of-control party at Scores:

The racist office emails:

And even golf discrimination:

And much more! Business Insider has the entire suit posted, for your amusement. Goldman spokesmonster Lucas Van Praag told the NYT "We believe this suit is without merit. People are critical to our business, and we make extraordinary efforts to recruit, develop and retain outstanding women professionals." We're sure all the good will Goldman has built up over the past couple of years will be handy in its defense.

[Photo via AP]